
Book Featuring Revolution Dance Academy Dancer Arrives at Stores and Online

Revolution Dance Academy PAE Company dancer, Gabriella Rae, is featured in an extraordinary new book, Dance Across the USA. Gabi was selected from a pool of several thousand dancers who auditioned for the book which hit stores in December 2017.

In the summer of 2016, Master Photographer Jonathan Givens embarked on an epic journey spanning 50 states in 90 days, with the sole purpose of photographing dancers in national parks and beloved and well-known settings in each state. Gabriella (Gabi) was chosen to represent Colorado and was photographed at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. In the end, two of her images were chosen for the book!

You can view a copy at the RDA front desk.


With all the possibilities for splendid settings abounded—a dancer on top of an active volcano, in the middle of the ocean, on a sand dune in Death Valley, in a glacier-fed lake—Givens, undeterred by the Herculean task, jumped in feet first. During that 90-day journey, he racked up some unimaginable statistics: 22,264 miles driven; 22,160 photographs created; 163 dancers photographed; 56 locations; 50 states; and 1 Mighty Buford, the van that served as the vehicle—literally and figuratively—for Givens’ odyssey!

The magnificent result is Dance Across the USA, a brilliant, coffee table style book featuring images from the journey. Part epic photo diary, part love letter to America, part celebration of dance, Dance Across the USA is completely awe-inspiring. Brimming with gorgeous, full-color photographs, the book is filled with breathtaking images, swoon-worthy settings, and amazing subjects.

A passion project born of Givens’ desire to showcase the fabric of America, shine a spotlight on the importance of dance, and highlight the diversity that exists in both the physical landscape and in the dancers who make America their home, Dance Across the USA is an extraordinary book.

For more information about Dance Across the USA, visit: www.danceatusa.com  

Facebook: www.facebook.com/EPSpecialists

Instagram: www.instagram.com/eps_photo

A portion of the proceeds from Dance Across the USA will be donated to benefit America’s parks and the National Endowment for the Arts.


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